Subject: "Don’t miss your free night from Marriott Rewards"AttributesFIRST_NAME : YOUR_NAME_HERECUSTOMER_KEY : ######## (8 digit number that I have removed)MR_NUMBER : ######### (9 digit number that I have removed)MR_NUMBER_ENCRYPTED : (32 character value here also removed)TEST LinksHosted Email Link Using MR_NUMBER : With MR_NUMBER LinkHosted Email Link with out MR_NUMBER : Without MR_NUMBER LinkHosted Email Link with out Jennies Suggestion : With entrypted MR Number & Customer key
"Dear Valued Guest,Yesterday morning, you received an email from Marriott in error. We were testing functionality to further enhance your online experience. During the testing process, a small number of emails erroneously deployed.
In the email, you may have noticed your name and a reference to your MR number. Rest assured, the information contained therein is private and no information specific to you or your account was shared with anyone else. To reiterate, this email was sent to you in error, but the contents of the message itself pertain only to you and your account.
Marriott is committed to your data security and the protection of your personal information. We apologize for any confusion our earlier email may have caused.
Best regards,The Marriott Team"
Posted via email from Kenneth M. Smith CISSP CISA GCIH FREAK