This type of shot is only possible with help of HDR

A shot of Boston out the window at MS NERD. I included the under-exposed, the over-exposed, and the final HDR image.

Posted via email from ken5m1th

#HacKid carved pumpkin

Pumpkin carving by Photo taken on IPhone 3G with the help of Pro HDR.

Posted via email from ken5m1th

Soldering at the #HacKid conference

What's that thing on my table at UNO? ziosk

Its a small tablet in a stand that sits on your table. First I have seen them in this market. It let's you check out the news, the menu, play some games, and pay your bill.

My thoughts? Slow. The touch screen requires quite a bit of pressure to do anything and distorts as soon as you push on it. And did I mention I think it's slow?

Posted via email from ken5m1th